![]() “We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10. This scripture has grabbed my attention for over a week now and I would l like to share my thoughts with you about it. Firstly, do you believe you are a masterpiece of God? This is an important question because how we answer this question often is based on how we tend to live life. I believe that our perspective of ourselves is the measure we use towards thinking about or how we treat others. This very perspective is then applied towards our view or understanding of God and who He is. If, however we look at God first and understand that as the creator of the universe, He looked back after spending 5 days creating and declared it is good; then on the 6th day after creating man and woman, He looked back and declared it very good. He was pleased with His work. On this premise if you believe God doesn’t make junk then regardless of your perspective or how you see things only the original creator or maker of something/someone can truly appreciate their handy work. Secondly, do you believe Jesus Christ has redeemed you? A masterpiece will get torn and tattered when it is not under the masters’ care. When we believe and accept the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ through which the Master chooses to restore us; we can once again carry the banner of masterpiece because we have been made anew. When we are able to truly grasp the value/worth that has been placed on us by God; perhaps then we can truly appreciate being under the masters’ care, rather than trying to take things into our own hands or wanting the approval or valuing opinions of others. Lastly, for what purpose are we made anew in and through Christ Jesus? That we can do good things that was originally planned for us at creation or in the beginning. Our maker is inviting us to His original plan that through realising we are His masterpieces we can as He did do good works/things. Yet, doing good is only truly possible when we have been restored from our past. The journey of restoration is ongoing as we require tender loving care from the One who knows us best. We are a masterpiece because we have been created by the master; individually and uniquely. We will not find another like us, there will be many similarities between us as human beings but there will only ever be one of you and me. This is only because we have all been shaped by the One and a masterpiece is not a masterpiece if there are duplicates. Once we are able to intentionally 'be' with the master, we are then equipped to intentionally 'do' the things that will fulfil our destiny, as we live our dreams, living life experiencing adventures with Him and those we journey with because WE are God's masterpieces.
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Articles to encourage you as you journey through life. Our hope is that you will be encouraged to live, love and learn as you journey through life intentionally.
April 2019